Children want privileges. As much or more than they want
food sometimes. They will whine and beg, plead and cajole, make promises they
won’t keep, anything, to get what they want. Our response while raising our
children was, “Responsibilities before privileges. If you want something you
have to show us that you are responsible and worthy of it.” They rarely liked
being told that. We attempted to be as consistent as we could (being mere
mortals) in applying that. All five of our children are now adults and we think
they understand it. At least they show signs of understanding it most of the
time (they have joined the ranks of us “mere mortal” adults).
I thought about how we raised our children as I read a few
reports of the March of the Vulgar Females in Washington DC. They appeared to
me to be quite childish in their understanding of how the world works. They
want “rights” without talking about and taking on responsibilities. Privileges
without first working for them. Marching and screaming don’t qualify as working
for them. That’s more like having a temper tantrum.
I wanted to say to those females, as I often did to our
children, show me! Show me that you have done everything you could to prove that
you are mature, and able to handle the privilege you are requesting. What was
truly weird to me is that I wasn’t really sure what they wanted. I mean, in the
United States of America, what rights do adult males have that adult females
don’t? Can someone please enlighten me? And if they were simply protesting the
election of a new president, why the vulgarity? Why lower themselves to such a
level and expect to be taken serious?
Those women certainly don’t represent me. I’m quite content
to be a wife, mother, and homemaker; contributing to the greater good by raising
civilized, productive citizens. I like being a woman, married to a man, joined
together in making life easier and happier for each other. I like being a
mother, at home where it matters in the lives of children; being there for them
at the crossroads of life. They ALL call me to check in (I call it plugging in)
with Mom, ask for advice, share what they are doing, and thank me for all I
did and do for them. I love them more than I can express. I have learned so
very much from them!
Which brings me to my last point. As I was contemplating all
this I felt the Spirit whisper to me that responsibilities before privileges is
an eternal principle. We are expected to show faith through our actions before
blessings arrive. We can't just pray a laundry list of requests and expect God to
wave a magic wand granting us all we wish for. We have to work and prove
ourselves trustworthy and faithful.
I love learning. Especially eternal principles through
parenting. God, Our Heavenly Father is our parent, we are the children,
learning to become like Him. It’s a good feeling to know I’m on the right path.
:) Good to know for when it's my turn!