18 June 2024

Ministering and Forgiveness

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Sunday morning session of the October 2005 conference.

So many good talks this session, but I'm choosing just two quotes from President Hinckley's address. 

I do not enjoy travel [he had given figures of how many miles he'd recently traveled, about 35,000] but it is my wish to get out among our people to extend appreciation and encouragement, and to bear testimony of the divinity of the Lord's work.

This struck me as how I should feel about ministering. I should want to get out and visit personally with my sisters to encourage them, and strengthen their faith in the Savior. I've been working at doing better this year.

Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way.

The older I get the more I understand how important it is to forgive others. Not for their sake, but for mine. To harbor grudges and hurts without forgiving is like rust or rot to our soul. Part of the miracle that happens is a lighter feeling from letting go of burdens.


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