23 July 2024


This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Priesthood session of the April 2006 conference.

From President James E. Faust:
I counsel all of you brethren to avoid every kind of addiction. At this time Satan and his followers are enslaving some of our choicest young people through addiction to alcohol, all kinds of drugs, pornography, tobacco, gambling, and other compulsive disorders. Some people seem to be born with a weakness for these substances so that only a single experimentation will result in uncontrollable addiction. Some addictions are actually mind-altering and create a craving that overpowers reason and judgment. These addictions destroy the lives not only of those who do not resist them but also their parents, spouses, and children. As the prophet Jeremiah lamented, "The inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates." The Lord in His wisdom has warned us that substances that are not good for us should be totally avoided.

Oh how I wish our son had listened and obeyed, rather than ending as a causality in the war of good versus evil. 

James' last birthday, 17 September 2022, age 26

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