This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the General Relief Society session of the October 2007 conference.
It's long been said that you can tell how well you are doing with a particular gospel commandment or principle or whatever, by how you feel when it is talked about in General Conference.
Hearing Julie B. Beck, General Relief Society President, speak always gave me good feelings! She spoke of things dear to my heart and how I was trying to live.
"In order to do our part as women under the Lord's plan, we must stand strong and immovable in faith, strong and immovable in family, and strong and immovable in relief. We must excel in these three important areas which set us apart as the Lord's disciples."
"Think of our combined strength if every sister had sincere prayer every morning and night, or, better yet, prayed unceasingly as the Lord has commanded. If every family had family prayer daily and had family home evening once a week, we would be stronger. If every sister was self-reliant enough to be able to give freely of her knowledge, talents, and resources and if every sister's discipleship was reflected by what she said and what she wore, we would be immovable in that which is correct."
Sadly, I've given up on Relief Society in the branch I live in. I don't feel society or relief there. And yet there are so many good women! We just aren't organized or led in a way that builds strength individually or collectively. I miss the Relief Society of my mother's day when sisters met weekly for lessons on a variety of topics and had a "workday" once a month to produce useful and beautiful things. There was so much more "society" as sisters met together often. There was much more relief because the sisters knew each other better and could minister and support each other. The majority of the sisters were not employed outside their homes. Satan has done a great job of luring covenant women out of the home to work, only to come home stressed and tired, just giving lip service to ministering to each other, let alone any person or group outside the church. At least, that's the way I see it.
I have found other avenues of service and society in the community, but my heart still longs for the sweet sisterhood of the Relief Society of former days.
Sister Beck says to the Relief Society presidencies, "Yours is the obligation to help Latter-day Saint women excel in faith, family, and relief. You will help the gospel become a great and compelling interest to the women of the church. You will help the women perfect homemaking, parenting and marriage skills so they can fully live the gospel in their homes."
Wow! Is it just me, or do we need to hear this again and again? Well, it felt good when I heard it in 2007. I was still in the midst of mothering, and still had hope for a bright future in Relief Society. This time around I felt that too many covenant women have given in to the siren song of the world: to have a career, and/or so many activities with and for children that there is no time left for Relief Society. Or in trying to do it all there is so much stress and burnout. Do sisters not know that there are seasons of life? And that the season for raising a family shouldn't also be burdened with building a career? I wish young women would ask ME what's most important. Sister Beck knows!
Merry Christmas!
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