12 September 2023

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

This post is part of the General Conference OdysseyThis week covers the Saturday afternoon session of the October 2002 conference.

What a delight to find another talk by then Elder Russell M. Nelson about being peacemakers. I've been studying the conference talks from April 2023 in preparation for the upcoming conference. It's wonderful to have another witness of the importance of being a peacemaker.

Virtually all parts of the world are plagued by acts of terror previously unknown. Confusion comes to many who pray for peace but fearfully face this foe of terror. . . . [some of ] the flames of hostility have been fueled by family feuding.

 Belligerence is as old as Cain and Abel. We see it today in conflicts around the world, one group angry at another, desiring revenge, or to take land or possessions away from others for perceived wrongs. I've seen a few (out of many) videos of "Karens" who have taken upon themselves the role of policeman, or even god, screaming at neighbors and strangers alike in attempts to control behavior and actions. It is disturbing and disgusting. They come across as possessed and demonic. They are the opposite of peacemakers.

Peace can prevail only when that natural inclination to fight is superseded by self-determination to live on a loftier lever. Coming unto Jesus Christ as the "Prince of Peace" is the pathway to peace on earth and goodwill among men. He made a promise to us: "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."

I think I say this every week, that the answer to all of the world's ills is by learning and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Elder Nelson explains that Jesus taught people how to live by reminding us of the two great commandments: to love God and to love our neighbors. He, Jesus, also added that we are to love our enemies. Jesus taught us the Golden Rule.

. . . the gospel did not begin with the birth of the Babe in Bethlehem. It is everlasting. It was proclaimed in the beginning to Adam and Eve. Portions of the gospel have been preserved in many cultures. Even heathen mythologies have been enriched by fragments of truth from earlier dispensations. . . . Wherever it is found and however it is expressed, the Golden Rule encompasses the moral code of the Kingdom of God. 

Isn't that a thought! Inside the Kingdom of God the citizens live by the moral code expressed in the Golden Rule. I want to live there!! It behooves me to live by the rule myself so I'll fit in easily. 

The hope of the world is the Prince of Peace--our Creator, Savior, Jehovah, and Judge. He offers us the good life, the abundant life, and eternal life. Peaceful--even prosperous--living can come to those who abide His precepts and follow His pathway to peace. This I declare to all the world.

I felt the Spirit so strongly as I listened to that paragraph. Elder Nelson, now President Nelson is a man of God. He is a powerful witness of and for Christ. I know he is a prophet, the chief apostle at this time.

My mission president taught us that the General Authorities very seldom say, "Thus sayeth the Lord" to command us to do something. They usually use phrases like I encourage you to, we suggest that you, I plead (or pray) that you will, and such. President LeGrand Curtis (my mission president) told us that this was the authorities polite way of telling us what is expected of us. Elder Nelson concludes this talk with a long paragraph of "shoulds":

As individuals, we should "follow after the things which make for peace." We should be personal peacemakers. We should live peacefully--as couples, families and neighbors. We should live by the Golden Rule. We have the writings of the descendants of Judah as now merged with the writings of Ephraim. We should employ them and expand our circle of love to embrace the whole human family. We should bring divine love and revealed doctrines of restored religion to our neighbors and friends. We should serve them according to our abilities and opportunities. We should keep our principles on a high level and stand for the right. We should continue to gather scattered Israel from the four corners of the earth and offer the ordinances and covenants that seal families together forever. These blessings we are to bring to people of all nations.

I think that gives me enough to work on for the next while.  You too?

My cat Timothy who left six years ago and never returned. He was a delight.




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