27 September 2022

For My Sons


This post is part of the General Conference OdesseyThis week covers the Priesthood session of the October 1998 conference.

I married an Marine, who had been a Drill Instructor. Four of our five children are boys. They grew up with more military stories than missionary stories. They all love guns. When we have family reunions one activity day is dedicated to shooting. Three of our sons have or are serving in the military. (Our daughter was the first to serve, but she doesn't enjoy guns or shooting. The other son tried but was injured in Recruit Training and didn't get to serve.)

As our sons have built up their arsenals I have reminded them again and again that there is something more powerful than guns or bombs or any other weapon. President James E. Faust said it this way, "You young holders of the priesthood have access to the greatest power source in the world." Though he cautioned that "we can enjoy priesthood power only when we do our duty."

President Faust told the story of Zion's Camp and some of the hardships they endured. He quoted George A. Smith, a sixteen year old who recorded their experiences, saying of Joseph Smith, "But during the entire trip he never uttered a murmur or complaint." And went on to explaining that "Although Zion's Camp failed in its stated purpose of restoring the Saints to their lands in Jackson County, Missouri, it was invaluable as a stern schooling. They learned that faith is more important than life itself." What an important lesson! Similar to what I've tried to impress on our sons, that being a righteous priesthood holder is more important that having a huge arsenal. 

President Faust told about the covenants made at various times in early church history to provide for and take care of the poor and needy, assisting them to physically move from one place to another. Then he admonished, "We have an additional duty in our time to increase our labors to love the spiritually poor among our brethren so that they and their families might enjoy 'peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.'" I find it interesting to read these talks in light of the adjustments in recent years to the concept of ministering. It's as if that is what has been preached to us all along and we just didn't fully understand it.

He concluded, "As we look to the future, we will continue to have obstacles, difficulties, challenges, and opposition. Satan has more tools at his disposal than ever before to deceive, distract, and corrupt our people. We will continue to be winnowed." 

The brethren aren't called prophets casually, they are the real deal. They see what is coming and we benefit when we heed their teachings and warnings. 

We will have the privilege of hearing from them this coming weekend during another General Conference. By listening with our spiritual ears we will hear what we need to move forward with faith and confidence.

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