04 June 2024

Start Early and Be Steady

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Saturday Afternoon session of the October 2005 conference.

Towards the end of 2022 as I began thinking about New Year's Resolutions, goals, and what I wanted to accomplish in the new year I felt the distinct impression that I needed to up my game, so to speak, in daily scripture study. I needed to be consistent and faithful. It was such a strong impression that I didn't think about anything else and began right away to make a weekly plan and study each day. 

I learned to love the scriptures as a child from my father and his father, my Grandpa Joe. Then as a teen seminary was a wonderful time of learning and I began to mark scriptures and look for cross references. Serving as a missionary brought greater understanding as I studied each day and then taught others the gospel of Jesus Christ. That time of my life laid a strong foundation for the rest of my life.

But, I failed to keep it up and there were times when I didn't study at all. Raising children limited my study time and I rarely got more than the minimum read for lessons, talks, or Family Home Evenings. After all the children left home I got more diligent and began to enjoy again the sweetness of personal revelation through the scriptures.

From December 2022 to April 2024 I don't think I missed a day of study. My testimony of the Savior deepened as I studied the New Testament accounts of His life. My gratitude for Him grew too.

Elder Henry B. Eyring said, "What we will need in our day of testing is a spiritual preparation. It is to have developed a faith in Jesus Christ so powerful that we can pass the test of life upon which everything for us in eternity depends. That test is part of the purpose God had for us in the Creation."

My day of testing came on a Monday when my husband called me to tell me our precious son was gone, killed by his own hand. I have never felt pain, nor screamed, nor cried like I did at that moment. It was horrific and frightening. But as my heart raced the thought that filled my mind and my heart was, "I know that my Redeemer lives, what comfort this sweet sentence gives." My faith was anchored to the Rock of Our Redeemer. I was so grateful to have followed the prompting to increase my gospel study over the preceding five months.

The great test of life is to see whether we will hearken to and obey God's commands in the midst of the storms of life. It is not to endure storms, but to choose the right while they rage.

I'm nobody special, I've no special powers, or even calling. Sometimes I'm really good at ignoring promptings or procrastinating following them. But in that instance I was obedient and I'm so glad I was. 

However much faith to obey God we now have, we will need to strengthen it continually and keep it refreshed constantly. We can do that by deciding now to be more quick to obey and more determined to endure. Learning to start early and to be steady are the keys to spiritual preparation. Procrastination and inconsistency are its mortal enemies.

Over the past year when I have felt like giving up and giving in to grief and despair, I remember the tender mercy from Heavenly Father prompting me to study more diligently. He knew what was coming and what I would need. I'm grateful I obeyed. I hope I can continue faithful and endure to the end of my mortal test.

James, Tatum & Daniel


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