28 May 2024

Prepared and Strong

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Saturday Morning session of the October 2005 conference.

From my perspective of almost 67 years on earth I can see the truth that mortal life has always been perilous, and evil has been on a continual march to capture the souls of mankind. Fashions and technology have changed but not much else. Followers of Christ strive to put off the natural man, scoffers eat, drink, and make merry, while the truly evil plot to accumulate wealth and power over others. We can't for a moment think that "the pride cycle" is something that happened only in ancient times. It is alive and well currently! Both in personal lives and societally.

Bishop Keith B. McMullin, Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric gave a great talk answering a question he'd tried to answer many years previously. While a mission president (in Germany) he'd met with a mayor and was asked why the church was doing missionary work in that city. He answered, "The gospel of Jesus Christ provides answers and solutions to all of the world's problems, including those confronting the good people of your city. This is why we are here." Mission President McMullin was not allowed to elaborate, and the meeting with the mayor was abruptly ended.

Since this talk was given the world around us has continued to experience natural calamities, wars, crime, depravities of every kind and government induced fear and chaos. Evil is not subtle anymore, it is blatant, biased and broadcast widely.

Bishop McMullin said, "The more we cleave unto righteousness, the more we enjoy the protecting care of our Savior. He is the Creator and Lord of the universe. He will calm the winds and the waves. His teachings and Atonement will heal the repentant soul. He is the Messiah or Deliverer, and because of Him, each of us can be in charge of his or her personal world, even as tragedies beset us."

This was true for me as He gave me strength to carry on after our son took his life last year. He gave us peace and comfort as we relied on the knowledge of temple covenants to sustain the hope of seeing our son again. He replaced guilt at things undone with comforting knowledge that His Atonement will make up for our shortcomings.

Of course, we cannot remain where we are, but must repent and improve. "Every time calamity strikes, there is a corresponding sacred obligation that falls upon each of us to become better. We should ask ourselves, 'What part of my life needs to change so that the weight of chastisement need not be felt?'"

A long time friend and I were texting and the conversation turned to obedience and consequences, and how they are manifest in our lives. Bishop McMullin puts it this way, "Faith, spirituality, and obedience produce a prepared and self-reliant people. As we obey the covenant of tithing, we are shielded from want and the power of the destroyer. As we obey the fast and give generously to care for others, our prayers are heard and family fidelity increases. Similar blessings come as we obey the counsel of prophets and live within our means, avoid unnecessary debt, and set aside sufficient of life's necessities to sustain ourselves and our families for at least one year. This may not always be easy, but let us do our very best and our stores shall not fail--there shall be 'enough and to spare.'"

The answers to life's and society's problems truly are found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ because obedience to the commandments, and keeping sacred covenants, spares us the consequences of wrong choices, gives us strength to endure the wrong choices of others, and helps us keep an eternal perspective as we go through the vicissitudes of mortal life.

"Our duty as Latter-day Saints is to prepare ourselves, this earth, and its inhabitants for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Being prepared and being strong as the gospel teaches ensure happiness here and hereafter and make this 'grand millennial mission' possible."

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