03 September 2024

Applicable to Relief Society

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. This week covers the Priesthood session of the October 2006 conference.

Rozy at Blue Mounds State Park - Prairie Flowers

Many of the principles taught by Elder Henry B. Eyring seemed to me to be equally applicable to the Relief Society.

. . . the strength of a quorum comes in large measure from how completely its members are united in righteousness. . . . [quoting Alma in the book of Mosiah] having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.

The Relief Society was initially founded to give service to those working on building the temple. The Prophet Joseph Smith gave the sisters further direction to lead others to the Savior. Serving together, sharing resources and skills, enabled the sisters to serve both more effectively and more widely.

The quorum is a service unit, and the members learn in their service. A quorum can give greater service than the members could give alone. And that power is multiplied by more than their numbers. Every quorum has a leader with authority and responsibility to direct priesthood service. 
If you've ever been in a ward where there are cliques and partiality between members you might know the feelings of loneliness and exclusion, which should never exist in the Lord's church.

One of the hallmarks of a strong quorum is the feeling of fellowship among its members. They care for each other. They help each other. . . . so that they will lift and encourage each other to serve in righteousness with the Master in His work to offer eternal life to Heavenly Father's children.

As I listened to this talk I felt so strongly that these principles and instructions could apply equally to the Relief Society. I wondered what action I could take since I'm not in the Relief Society presidency, or any other RS calling. I have no authority, responsibility or influence over what happens in Relief Society. So I decided that all I can do is work within my small sphere of influence among the sisters I'm assigned to minister to. 

. . . He has promised us that with His help good quorums can become great quorums. He wants that for us. And I know that He needs stronger quorums to bless the children of our Heavenly Father, according to the covenants. I have faith that He will.

What a wonderful promise! 

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